howdy ! and welcome to the future. the future is somewhat less formal than the past as it’s still underway... is still becoming 

Also, I’d like to remind you that our collective future is unquestioningly and emphatically diverse, intersectional, equitable, free, empathic, and reparated. if you’re not with it, then you are against it, man.

upcoming & in development☟

Let Light Like Blood by Steven San Luis

Co-Director. Blackout Developmental Reading @ East Village Basement, produced by Alex Kopnick and Theatre Write Now. June 30th, 2024.

it is dark, and the light is missing, or is found, or is disappearing, or is her own character, let her speak !


The Collective Womb by Alexandra Neuman

Co-Director and Producer. Summer Solstice performance @ El Jardin Paraiso, June 20th, 2024.
Gallery performances @ 601Artspace, July 26-27th, 2024

a giant puppet ritual spectacle performance around an ecofeminist creation myth, featuring dirt, liquids, a loving moon, a furious sun, and the first human made from the mud of the churning earth


WACO BOY CLUB by Mack Lawrence

Director. Rooftop Reading @ The Maker’s Ensemble, co-pro with Breaking and Entering Theater, August 30th, 2024

three young adult genderqueer boys hang out in a garage in Waco, TX, talking with exes, best friends, the spirits of gay ancestors, laughing, lamenting, and making chicken salad sandwiches


TEMPORARY SHELTER IN ETERNAL TIME by Logan gabrielle Schulman and Jess Kaufman

Director and Co-Writer for Flying Leap Productions, commission. Fall 2024. 

An interfaith celebration of Sukkot: a ritual performance for children and their families to grapple with narratives of displacement, housing insecurity, and refugeeism.


FLRDA RUM, ongoing development

Director, Writer, Lead Experience Design

a combined live theatre & vr event.  a mind-boggling true story that falls inside of itself, and then gets handed to a hybrid audience. what do we do with the truth in front of us? and is there an ancient mythical and esoteric secret aryan treasure burried hidden underground somewhere in north america? and oh no, another hurricane?

oh, baruch hashem, it’s just a simulated hurricane.

