howdy ! and welcome to the future. the future is somewhat less formal than the past as it’s still underway... is still becoming 

Also, I’d like to remind you that our collective future is unquestioningly and emphatically diverse, intersectional, equitable, free, empathic, and reparated. if you’re not with it, then you are against it, man.

upcoming & in development☟

The Collective Womb by Alexandra Neuman

Co-Director and Producer, National tour to states impacted by the Dobbs Decision.

a giant puppet ritual spectacle performance around an ecofeminist creation myth, featuring dirt, liquids, a loving moon, a furious sun, and the first human made from the mud of the churning earth


WACO BOY CLUB by Mack Lawrence

Director, National Queer Theatre, Fall 2026. 

three twentysomething trans guys are hanging out in a garage in Waco, TX, sometimes dancing and singing, sometimes talking through unrequited love and sometimes talking through a ouija board to converse with the spirits of queer ancestors, sometimes making chicken salad sandwiches, and sometimes laughing and/or lamenting. 


nosedive forever

Director, Writer

Wally and Egg can’t stop falling, and in fact, they may never stop falling ever. Somehow, Wally and Egg are caught in an eternal descent, embodying the uncanny sensation of plummeting—the jerk, the panic, head rush, heartbeat, sweat—within our hyper- contemporary reality, as seen through a funhouse mirror. A feeling of time rushing past, of falling, both literal and figurative, as we move through a life in which normalcy feels just out of reach. As they cascade through the bottomless void, Wally and Egg confront their needs and desires for comfort, connection, and stability. Amidst the backdrop of global turmoil—rising populist fascism, climate catastrophe, and the struggle for identity in an alienating world—we gather to witness Wally and Egg’s involuntary descent. nosedive forever pulls together moments from across time, all silly, somber, and profound; as Wally and Egg race to the bottom, what can they even really do about it anyway?

